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Community Life

At Pingry, we believe excellence contains multitudes, and our community life reflects this confidence. Life on a Pingry campus is all about abundance: the abundance of connection, the plethora of activities, the days that unfold in the most unexpected ways. To be a student at Pingry is to live life fully, to experience it intensely, and to explore friendships and learning in ways that feel both uniquely independent and yet fully intertwined with the community.

Students at Pingry explore their interests—both long-held passions and sudden curiosities—and thrive in a community that supports their growth. From the Lower School to the Middle School and the Upper School, students experience the new and the profound. They get inquisitive and discover the world anew.

So. What is life like at Pingry?

We have more than 100 clubs covering a wide array of interests, from economics to astronomy and space, from Quiz Bowl to sneakers (yes, we have a Sneaker Club!), from the arts to sports analytics. There are near endless possibilities to explore and connect at our three campuses. We offer our students activities to enhance their social lives, with co- and extracurricular activities including athletics, visual arts, drama, music, journalism, community and civic engagement, environmental programs, and more.

At Pingry, we believe a fulfilling social life enhances a rich academic life, and we make space for the unique—and the unexpected—yet we always seek to connect with each other.

Student Clubs and Organizations

Student Publications


Sage Dining Menus


Shop The Bear Pause

Independent Senior Project (ISP)

What better way to discover more about an area of interest than to experience it for yourself?

Spring Intensives

Spring Intensives at Pingry help students to foster a love of exploration and discovery.

Research at Pingry

Photos and Media

Student Safety and Wellbeing

Balance, Performance & Success