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Campus Tours

Pingry Awaits

Campus Tours Schedule and Registration

The best way to experience Pingry is to visit and meet some of the people who make it extraordinary. Join a student tour guide or a member of our admissions team for a guided visit of the facilities that are the setting of our special shared Pingry story. You’ll get the feel of campus and have an opportunity to speak with community members. With three campuses (Short Hills, k-5; Basking Ridge, 6-12 and Pottersville, experiential education), we have a lot to show you, so we invite you to visit one, two or all three campuses during our weekly Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday scheduled visits.  


Explore Pingry from Home

Use our Virtual Tour to discover each area of our three campuses, such as classrooms, laboratories, athletic fields, residence halls, and more. Even better, it's available 24 hours a day, seven days a week, and never reaches capacity.



Semester Away Programs

Semester-long immersions.

Travel Courses

Short-term trips led by Pingry faculty.