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He is among the top 300 STEM students in the U.S.
Professor and author Ilana Redstone spoke about "certainty" and the problems it can cause.
After seven rounds—including the final three with eventual runner-up Sarah Diao ’29—Sid Kamat ’30 emerged victorious by spelling the championship word: “relegated”.
Pingry has earned six "Team of the Year" honors over three years, as well as three undefeated seasons in a row, and enjoys continuous success in tournaments.
We Love School
We Love School
At Pingry, we give ourselves the freedom to be many things at once.
Our Identity
At Pingry, excellence contains multitudes.
We’re audacious and creative, empathetic and enterprising, independent-minded and community-oriented, unexpected and uplifting, all at once.
Our Identity
We’re home to everything that makes us original–and everything that brings us together. Our community is both marvelously diverse and remarkably aligned.
Reasons We Love School
Reasons We Love School
A Pingry education asks us to embrace life in its fullness and complexity.
$8.3 million in tuition assistance
Friday Night Lights
Robust global programming
Spring Intensives
The Independent Research Team (IRT)
The Pottersville Campus
Reasons Popups
$8.3 million in tuition assistance
We recognize that investing in a Pingry education for your child is a significant financial decision and we are dedicated to helping families have access to this opportunity. We believe that socio-economic diversity enriches our community and is critical to our mission to foster compassion, curiosity, and awareness of self and others.
Friday Night Lights
We bleed blue and white. There is nothing quite like that feeling of cheering on the Pingry football team under the lights on Parsons Field each fall. We believe that creating opportunities for connection outside of the regular school day is an essential part of the Pingry experience.
Robust global programming
To be a Pingry student is to be an explorer. Our ideas are not contained by classroom walls, nor do our connections end at a ZIP code. Our heart is in Pingry, yet adventure awaits in the world at large.
Spring Intensives
We believe that experiences that are academically immersive and intellectually adventurous result in deep and lasting learning and foster a lifelong love of exploration and discovery. Pingry Upper School students engage in this “minimester” academic period lasting two weeks at the end of each academic year.
The Independent Research Team (IRT)
The primary objective of the IRT is to provide Pingry students with the opportunity to engage in scientific inquiry and dive more deeply into topics including molecular biology, biochemistry, physics, and computer science. Students design and conduct experiments, collect and analyze data, and present their findings to the Pingry community during Research Week, as well as through a published research journal.
The Pottersville Campus
The best of both worlds: we’re a day school with a boarding school campus. Our 83-acre Pottersville Campus boasts 54 dorm rooms, offering Pingry students short-term residential experiences and the advantages of immersive programming—giving our students the rare opportunity to be part of a community of learners who are totally immersed in the task at hand.
Pingry Is Home
Our friendships give us courage, teach us compassion, and broaden our vision. To us, an outstanding education is rooted in authentic relationships across generations.